Submission deadline: November 15, 2007
Acceptance notification: December 31, 2007
Conference date: February 20-22, 2008
Location: Cambridge University
AIKED'08 = The 7th WSEAS International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Engineering and Data bases
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Good tutorial on classification tree
It covers primary steps involved in known versions of classification tree.
Enjoy it!
It covers primary steps involved in known versions of classification tree.
Enjoy it!
Tutorial of Artificial Neural Network
You can find interesting and easy-to-understand explanation from this URL:
It is presented with a series clear diagram like

Enjoy it.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Australian AI 2007
Submission due date: July 13, 2007
Notification date: August 31st, 2007
Conference date: December 2nd-6th, 2007
Location: Queensland's Gold Coast
Notification date: August 31st, 2007
Conference date: December 2nd-6th, 2007
Location: Queensland's Gold Coast
Ranking of AI and related conferences
Rank 1:
- AAAI: American Association for AI National Conference
- CVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern Recognition
- IJCAI: Intl Joint Conf on AIICCV: Intl Conf on Computer Vision
- ICML: Intl Conf on Machine Learning
- KDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- KR: Intl Conf on Principles of KR & Reasoning
- NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems
- UAI: Conference on Uncertainty in AI
- ICAA: International Conference on Autonomous Agents
- ACL: Annual Meeting of the ACL (Association of Computational Linguistics)
Rank 2:
- NAACL: North American Chapter of the ACL
- AID: Intl Conf on AI in Design
- AI-ED: World Conference on AI in Education
- CAIP: Inttl Conf on Comp. Analysis of Images and Patterns
- CSSAC: Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference
- ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision
- EAI: European Conf on AI
- EML: European Conf on Machine Learning
- GP: Genetic Programming Conference
- IAAI: Innovative Applications in AI
- ICIP: Intl Conf on Image Processing
- ICNN/IJCNN: Intl (Joint) Conference on Neural Networks
- ICPR: Intl Conf on Pattern Recognition
- ICDAR: International Conference on Document Analysis and - Recognition
- ICTAI: IEEE conference on Tools with AI
- AMAI: Artificial Intelligence and Maths
- DAS: International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems
- WACV: IEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer Vision
- COLING: International Conference on Computational Liguistics
- EMNLP: Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
- EACL: Annual Meeting of European Association Computational - Lingustics
- CoNLL: Conference on Natural Language Learning
Rank 3:
- PRICAI: Pacific Rim Intl Conf on AI
- AAI: Australian National Conf on AI
- ACCV: Asian Conference on Computer Vision
- AI*IA: Congress of the Italian Assoc for AI
- ANNIE: Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering
- ANZIIS: Australian/NZ Conf on Intelligent Inf. Systems
- CAIA: Conf on AI for Applications
- CAAI: Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference
- ASADM: Chicago ASA Data Mining Conf: A Hard Look at DM
- EPIA: Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- FCKAML: French Conf on Know. Acquisition & Machine Learning
- ICANN: International Conf on Artificial Neural Networks
- ICCB: International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning
- ICGA: International Conference on Genetic Algorithms
- ICONIP: Intl Conf on Neural Information Processing
- IEA/AIE: Intl Conf on Ind. & Eng. Apps of AI & Expert Sys
- ICMS: International Conference on Multiagent Systems
- ICPS: International conference on Planning Systems
- IWANN: Intl Work-Conf on Art & Natural Neural Networks
- PACES: Pacific Asian Conference on Expert Systems
- SCAI: Scandinavian Conference on Artifical Intelligence
- SPICIS: Singapore Intl Conf on Intelligent System
- PAKDD: Pacific-Asia Conf on Know. Discovery & Data Mining
- SMC: IEEE Intl Conf on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
- PAKDDM: Practical App of Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining
- WCNN: The World Congress on Neural Networks
- WCES: World Congress on Expert Systems
- INBS: IEEE Intl Symp on Intell. in Neural \& Bio Systems
- ASC: Intl Conf on AI and Soft Computing
- PACLIC: Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
- ICCC: International Conference on Chinese Computing
- ICADL: International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries
- RANLP: Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing
- NLPRS: Natural Language Pacific Rim Symposium
- AAAI: American Association for AI National Conference
- CVPR: IEEE Conf on Comp Vision and Pattern Recognition
- IJCAI: Intl Joint Conf on AIICCV: Intl Conf on Computer Vision
- ICML: Intl Conf on Machine Learning
- KDD: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining
- KR: Intl Conf on Principles of KR & Reasoning
- NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems
- UAI: Conference on Uncertainty in AI
- ICAA: International Conference on Autonomous Agents
- ACL: Annual Meeting of the ACL (Association of Computational Linguistics)
Rank 2:
- NAACL: North American Chapter of the ACL
- AID: Intl Conf on AI in Design
- AI-ED: World Conference on AI in Education
- CAIP: Inttl Conf on Comp. Analysis of Images and Patterns
- CSSAC: Cognitive Science Society Annual Conference
- ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision
- EAI: European Conf on AI
- EML: European Conf on Machine Learning
- GP: Genetic Programming Conference
- IAAI: Innovative Applications in AI
- ICIP: Intl Conf on Image Processing
- ICNN/IJCNN: Intl (Joint) Conference on Neural Networks
- ICPR: Intl Conf on Pattern Recognition
- ICDAR: International Conference on Document Analysis and - Recognition
- ICTAI: IEEE conference on Tools with AI
- AMAI: Artificial Intelligence and Maths
- DAS: International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems
- WACV: IEEE Workshop on Apps of Computer Vision
- COLING: International Conference on Computational Liguistics
- EMNLP: Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
- EACL: Annual Meeting of European Association Computational - Lingustics
- CoNLL: Conference on Natural Language Learning
Rank 3:
- PRICAI: Pacific Rim Intl Conf on AI
- AAI: Australian National Conf on AI
- ACCV: Asian Conference on Computer Vision
- AI*IA: Congress of the Italian Assoc for AI
- ANNIE: Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering
- ANZIIS: Australian/NZ Conf on Intelligent Inf. Systems
- CAIA: Conf on AI for Applications
- CAAI: Canadian Artificial Intelligence Conference
- ASADM: Chicago ASA Data Mining Conf: A Hard Look at DM
- EPIA: Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- FCKAML: French Conf on Know. Acquisition & Machine Learning
- ICANN: International Conf on Artificial Neural Networks
- ICCB: International Conference on Case-Based Reasoning
- ICGA: International Conference on Genetic Algorithms
- ICONIP: Intl Conf on Neural Information Processing
- IEA/AIE: Intl Conf on Ind. & Eng. Apps of AI & Expert Sys
- ICMS: International Conference on Multiagent Systems
- ICPS: International conference on Planning Systems
- IWANN: Intl Work-Conf on Art & Natural Neural Networks
- PACES: Pacific Asian Conference on Expert Systems
- SCAI: Scandinavian Conference on Artifical Intelligence
- SPICIS: Singapore Intl Conf on Intelligent System
- PAKDD: Pacific-Asia Conf on Know. Discovery & Data Mining
- SMC: IEEE Intl Conf on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
- PAKDDM: Practical App of Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining
- WCNN: The World Congress on Neural Networks
- WCES: World Congress on Expert Systems
- INBS: IEEE Intl Symp on Intell. in Neural \& Bio Systems
- ASC: Intl Conf on AI and Soft Computing
- PACLIC: Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
- ICCC: International Conference on Chinese Computing
- ICADL: International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries
- RANLP: Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing
- NLPRS: Natural Language Pacific Rim Symposium
The 10th Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Submission due date: May 26, 2008
Notification date: July 25, 2008
Conference data: Dec. 15-19, 2008
Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
Submission due date: May 26, 2008
Notification date: July 25, 2008
Conference data: Dec. 15-19, 2008
Location: Hanoi, Vietnam
IEA/AIE 2008
The 21st International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems
Submission due date: Nov.8, 2007
Notification date: Feb. 1, 2008
Conference date: June 18-20, 2008
Location: Wroclaw, Poland
Submission due date: Nov.8, 2007
Notification date: Feb. 1, 2008
Conference date: June 18-20, 2008
Location: Wroclaw, Poland
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Boosting is a general method of producing a very accurate prediction rule by combining rough and moderately inaccurate "rules of thumb". Much recent work has been on the "AdaBoost" boosting algorithm and its extensions.
From this URL, you can find several introduction articles about boosting. It is a ongoing project in U. of Princeton.
From this URL, you can find several introduction articles about boosting. It is a ongoing project in U. of Princeton.
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Jobs for phd and post-doc. Contains some advanced research intensive jobs for Ph.D and Post-doc. from various disciplines.
PAKDD 2008
Abstract date: Sep. 23, 2007
Due date: Sep. 30, 2007
Notification: Dec. 27, 2007
Conference date: May 20-23, 2008
Location: Osaka, Japan
Due date: Sep. 30, 2007
Notification: Dec. 27, 2007
Conference date: May 20-23, 2008
Location: Osaka, Japan
Self-learning Respnose Model
SLRM is my first project in SPSS, and it is now released in Clementine 11.1 ( ).
We are working to provide better solutions for our users distributed all over the world.
We are working to provide better solutions for our users distributed all over the world.
3rd WSEAS International Symposimum on Data Mining and Intelligencet Information Processing
Deadline for paper submission: June 30,2007
Notification of acceptance: July 30, 2007
Location: Beijing, P.R.China
Notification of acceptance: July 30, 2007
Location: Beijing, P.R.China
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