Tuesday, November 21, 2006


XMLBIF - XML-based BayesNets Interchange Format. It is a XML format to store a Bayes Network aiming at a commonly-agreed standard in this community. It is originally defined by Fabio Cozman and members of the GeNie project, notably Marek Druzdzel and Daniel Garcia. Its newest version is 0.3, and implemented in the JavaBayes and GeNie systems. Possibly, Netica and Hugin will support this format too.

The goal of the current XMLBIF format is to represent directed acyclic graph (DAG) that can be associated to conditional probability measures for discrete variables, with the possibility that decision and utility variables be present in the graph. Bayesian Network is one of the most famous DAG widely known today.

I will introduce the detail of XMLBIF in the coming days, and welcome any suggestion and idea exchange with you, my friend.

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